sam vidio imigranta, iz Sjeverne Afrike, čovjeka. Neko koga sa na tren
upoznao dok sam mu davao vreću za spavanje i dva ćebeta kad je tek
došao. Imao je i sklonište, ali smo ga izgubili. Ne znam gdje sad spava.
Njegovo bivše sklonište je na fotografiji ispod. Izgledao je
umorno, više iscrpljeno, kad mu je nekoliko romske djece prišlo i
tražilo novac. Ovaj mladić je mlad, dvadesetak godina. Nikad ne mogu
biti siguran o godinama, jer ova putovanja promijene lica ljudi. Bio je
jako umoran i preturao je po džepovima da im da ono malo što je imao. Gledao sam sa udaljenosti i u tom trenu je ponovo jasno zašto još uvijek radim ovaj posao.
Today I saw an immigrant, north African, another human. Someone I got to know for a moment because I gave him a sleeping bag and two blankets when he first arrived. He also had a shelter but that one, we lost. I do not know where he sleeps now. His old shelter is in the picture below.
Anyway he looked tired, rather more exhausted and some Roma kids, really young ones (5 or 6) asking him for money. This guy is young, twenties or something. You can never be sure of ages as the journey alters peoples faces. He was so tired and he scrambled around in his pockets to give what little change he had. I watched from a distance and in a moment like this its clear why I still do this work