Berln. Germany. 28.04.2019.
Today we were contacted by a band who’s members have been supporting the work of BAB for many years. At their last concert the money raised from selling band merchandise is being donated to help BAB help others. These small acts of solidarity is what we are all about. Thankyou so much to Tungsten Tips.
Berlin. Germany. 25th April. Meeting/conferance which BAB will be attending.
Here is a text from the organizors.
People are still making their way to Central Europe via the Balkans route in their search for safety and refuge. Yet with currently little media attention on the region, few people are aware of this refugee route.
Over the last few years many volunteers have nonetheless supported migrants and refugees in the region, with many Berliners among them. At least three Berlin-based groups were active in Bosnia and Herzegovina last winter alone.
We – a group of former volunteers – would like to invite all those in Berlin and surroundings who too were involved in the Balkans response to meet and exchange ideas and experiences. We’re hoping to create networks within the volunteer community here in Berlin, and perhaps come up with ways of raising public awareness of the situation along the Balkans route.
For our first meeting we are getting together at the ‘Remise’ of housing coop Wilma 19 in Lichtenberg. Please bring along anyone in your networks who might be interested too.
If you’re interested in getting involved but can’t make it on the day, get in touch with and we’ll send you our notes from the meeting and all further info.
We look forward to seeing you!
Olpa, Germany (April 2019).
We wish to thank the students and their helpers from Olpa in Germany for their financial donation. They came up with an really interesting way to raise funds. In January they collected all the used Christmas trees and everyone gave a donation for this service. Then this Easter all the trees will be burnt in a massive fire and people came together to celebrate, knowing this big fire would help BABs future projects in BiH.

Bristol UK (February 2019).
Massive shout out to the people in Bristol, UK for their support. Big up to the musicians , organizers and everyone who came along.
Thankyou to Social Monkeys (25.02.2019)
We would like to thank the Social Monkeys NGO for their support of our work. The most amazing thing for BAB about this collective is it came out of the womens exchange project we created with help from others in 2018.
Some of these women came together from Germany and Bosnia Herzegovina independently of BAB together with other artists from around the world to create an art exhibition and events to support our work and also highlight what is happening in BiH.
Thankyou to the people of Turin in Italy. (03.11.2018)
Thankyou so much to the people in Turin, Italy who are not only trying to spread the news about what is happening in Bosnia Herzegovina and collecting financial donations, but also collecting blankets and warm clothes. Then as well as collecting, also sorting, separating and labeling the aid. This aid is already on the way to help the refugees and immigrants stuck in the north.
Turin, Italy. 29.11/01.12.2018
Massive thanks to the Bhaji Box for organising last nights event.
Many thanks to all who came and supported last night. We raised some funding for Bridges Across Borders to help with the projects this winter. Special thanks to Over the Water Choir, Paddy, Aaron and Ali for the poetry, John Sharples and all the beautiful Brickhouse crew. Extra big shout out to Claire Jackson-Twist for the gorgeous curry and all the staff at Mackenzie’s. To those who didn’t make it, donations are always welcome… Till next time xx
Our UK event on the 18th November has been postponed until January 2019. But come along to the event below, as it is going to be a great evening.
UK fundraiser/info/soli event. 16.11.2018.
Charity Fund Raiser for Bridges Across Borders featuring live music and poetry with special guest appearances from “Over the Water” choir, Cal Ruddy as well as Brickhouse! With poetry from Patrick Clarke, Aaron Murdoch, Ian Wignall, David Bateman and Ali Harwood. And not forgetting delicious food from The Bhaji Box. Doors open 7pm £3 entry please publicise and share.
Directions. The Mackenzie, Caughton road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 6EY, United Kingdom.
Facebook event.
Above photo by Besima from our exchange for women interested in art and activism.
Thankyou to the amazing people in Italy. (Italian/BiH/English text below).
Un grande ringraziamento a tutti coloro che sono venuti all’evento dello scorso 7 Novembre al C.S.O.A. Forte Prenestino a Roma, Italia. È stata una serata divertente con musicisti e ospiti provenienti da molti paesi differenti. Sono stati raccolti soldi per aiutare questo inverno in Bosnia Erzegovina. Ma forse ancora più importante è il fatto che sono state create le basi di nuove reti di collaborazione di supporto e solidarietà in Europa. Oltre alla proposta di portare un sound system per fare qualche free event in Bosnia Erzegovina. I nostri prossimi eventi saranno in UK la prossima settimana, il 16 e 18 Novembre.
Presto nuove informazioni e ancora GRAZIE a tutti coloro che stanno aiutando.
Veliko, ogromno hvala svima koji su sinoć došli na događaj u C.S.O.A. Forte Prenestino u Rimu, Italiji. Bila je to divna noć sa muzičarima i gostima iz različitih zemalja. Prikupljni su novci za pomoć ove zime u BiH. Ali su možda još važniji novi kontakti, umrežavanje za pomoć i solidarnost u Evropi. Čak i ponuda besplatnog dolaska sa razglasnim sistemima za događaje u BiH. Naši sljedeći događaji su iduće nedjelje u UK i to 16 i 18 novembra. Slijedi više informacija i HVALA svima koji pomažu.
A big massive thankyou to everyone who came to the event last night at C.S.O.A Forte Prenestino in Rome, Italy. It was an amazing night with musicians and guests from so many different countries. Money was raised to help this winter in BiH. But maybe more important was the building of more networks of support and solidarity in Europe. Even the offer of a sound system to come and create some free events in BiH. Our next events will be next week in the UK on the 16th and 18th November. More information to come and again THANKYOU to everyone who is helping.
Soli/info event at C.S.O.A. Forte Prenestino.
Our next event is in Rome on the 07.11.2018. It is going to be a very special event. You can read about it below in Italian. We were especially want to thank one BAB volunteer for organizing this soli/info event. We also want to thank the friends, helpers, musicians and artists coming together for this event. We also want to thank C.S.O.A. Forte Prenestino for hosting this event. This is a true act of solidarity. It is going to be an amazing evening.
Una serata in solidarieta e benefit per l’associazione Bridges Across Borders.
Bridges Across Borders. lavora con i migranti che scappano dalla guerra(per lo piu siriani) ed utilizzano la rotta balcanica per arrivare in Europa, è completamente orizzontale e non usa per scelta i fondi europei di cui molte ong si avvalgono. C è un folto gruppo di volontari internazionali che sostengono a proprie spese sia il viaggio che il vitto e allogio in Bosnia. Il benefit non è per i volontari ma per le necessita che l associazione si trova ad affrontare sul territorio bosniaco, quindi spese relative ai beni di prima e seconda necessita di cui i migranti hanno bisogno( dai vestiti ai tampax per le donne o ad altre necessita dei bambini, insomma un po tutto)
Il sito di riferimento dell associazione è https://
Inoltre l associazione si occupa di fare del coordinamento tra piccole ong locali ed altre ong internazionali lavorando sia sui confini che nei campi destinati ai rifugiati che nelle citta.
L inverno in Bosnia è molto duro e le temperature arrivano a toccare i -20 gradi, inutile dire che i migranti sono totalmente impreparati su tutto soprattutto a queste temparature
Durante tutto l arco della serata verra allestito un Punto di Raccolta di vestiti pesanti :
scarpe, guanti, sciarpe, giacconi, coperte sacchi a pelo e quanto possa essere utile in zone fredde.
Si parte dalle ore 20, in taverna, cena benefit.
Dopo cena al PUB12, chiacchierata e momento di confronto con Mark ( coordinatore del progetto BridgesAcrossBorders) sulla situzione bosniaca e sul lavoro sul territorio di Bab.
A seguire open mic, Hip Hop, a cura di alcuni ragazzi del Ghana,sopravvisuti alle torture in Libia, ospiti da poco sul territorio italiano.
Dj set delle meravigliose, Opa Opa invasioni balcaniche
Nel corso della serata sara presente Niko del progetto visionaria art community
a chiudere dj set musica electro-balcan
29.10.2018. English text below.
Novosti o događajima u UK. Najprije o ljudima Merseyside-a, koji imaju dugačku tradiciju pomaganja drugima, koji se ujedinjuju da pomognu izbjeglicama i ljudima Bosne i Hercegovine, u krizi koju nisu uzrokovali. Izgleda da će ovi divni pomagači/ce organizovati ne jedan, već dva događaja podrške, i to 16 i 18 novembra/studenog. BAB obožava Liverpool-a i Birkenhead-a, koji ljudiam Bosne i Hercegovine pomažu već više od 20 godina. Muzičari, pjesnici i umjetnici: kontaktirajte nas.
Onda naši prijatelji u Italiji, koji takođe imaju dugu istoriju solidarnosti, takođe se ujedinjuju da pomognu. Oni će organizovati događaje 7 novembra/studenog i 1 decembra/prosinca.
Mi vam zahvaljujemo svima.
Više informacija slijedi
Update about event(s) in the UK. First of the all the people of Merseyside who have a very long history of helping others are coming together to help the refugees and people of Bosnia Herzegovina who are dealing with a crisis which is no making of their own. It seems these amazing supporters are not only organizing one event, but two. One on the 16th and another on the 18th November. BAB loves the people of Liverpool and Birkenhead who have been helping people in Bosnia Herzegovina for more than 20 years. Musicians, poets and artists get in contact.
Then our friends in Italy who also have a long history of solidarity are coming together to organize events. They will have events on the 7th November and the 1st December.
We thank you all.
More information to follow.
16.09.2018 English text below.
Hvala svima koji su došli sinoć na predivan događaj. Jedan od najljepših trenutaka je bio kad mi je, nakon informativne prezentacije o izbjegličkoj situaciji i radu BAB-a u BiH, prišla mlada žena i upitala:”Sjećaš li se mene? Ja sam jedna od volontera koja je, kad si nas u Sarajevu pozvao da izgradimo “Prostor za ljude” u Hrasnici, došla i pomogla.” Hvala ženama W.E. na trudu da naprave događaj potpuno drugačiji od svega što smo radili do sad.
Thankyou to everyone who came last night to the lovely event. One of the nicest moments was when after the information presentation about the refugee situation and what work BAB is doing in BiH a young woman came up to me and said “Do you remember me? I am one of the volunteers who when you did call outs for help In Sarajevo to build the “Peoples Place and Community Space in Hrasnica I came and helped”. Thanks to the women of W.E for coming together and creating an event completely different to anything we have done before.
15.09.2018 Berlin, Germany
20.08.2018 Köln, Germany. Info Event.
If you wish to attend it is invite only, so please email us.
BAB would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who attended the first Open Mic Poetry event in Birkenhead, UK. It was a successful event with many people who attended asking for it to become a regular event.
This is the first in a series of pop up events happening in the UK (soli-parties) Open Mic Poetry.
Hope Place
259 Woodchurch Rd
Prenton CH42 9LE
Depending on numbers each poet will get 3-5mins each.
Please arrive at 7pm to put your name down to read. We will be starting at 7.30pm and running until about 10pm.
£3 entry fee.
We will be selling tea, coffee and squash.
There is also BYOB with corkage charge £1
We will also be holding a raffle on the night.
All donations welcome. (unfortunately we can only accept cash donations).
(all proceeds go to Bridges Across Borders).
We also welcome non readers who wish to just watch/listen.
If you have any questions please PM me.
Massive thanks (28.07.2018)
BAB wants to thanks everyone involved and who came to our Berlin soli/info event last night. It was truly an international event. Special thanks to Ale Senso (Italian), Evev (Israeli), the amazing Greek photographer Vasili Pham, the DJ Loutra (Italian), the great musicians Daniel Marques (Brazilian), Finn Dorian, (?) Stephan Herz (German) and La Gatta for delicious food all the way from Italy. We raised some money but also may have built some more networks to help the refugees this winter and change systems.
Readings of eye witness accounts, poems and short stories about the refugee and immigrant crisis in BiH.
Also the Peoples Place and Community Space in Sarajevo is still running with more and more refugees and local community using it.
Soli/info event. Berlin. 27.07.2018
BAB will be organizing its next soli/info event in Berlin on Friday 27th July. There will be information presented about BABs work in Bosnia Herzegovina. There will also be poetry, eye witness accounts and music at a very special venue. Come and meet other people and donate.
We will keep you informed but keep that date open, as it will be a very special evening.
Click below to read about our event in Berlin. (30.04.2011)
Clink here to see our event at the Village Underground in
. (2011)