Street art festival in Mostar

Street art festival. Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina / Ulični festival. Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina

As was planned before we took a street artist and volunteers from Berlin, Germany all the way to the divided city of Mostar. We worked in partnership with a local initiative that has been bringing street artists to the city the last six years. Many tourists know the city from visiting the old bridge, war damaged streets or the world famous bridge diving. We went to an area to paint, the tourists do not visit. Our first painting was for the community of Tekija.

Click below to see our street artist in action.

Kako je i bilo planirano, odveli smo”ulične” umjetnike volontere iz Berlina, Njemačka, u podijeljen gradMostar. Radili smo u partnerstvu sa lokalnim inicijativama koje okupljaju”ulične” umjetnike u ovom gradu već zadnjih 6 godina. Mnogi turistipoznaju grad preko posjeta Starom mostu, ratom uništenim ulicama ili svjetskipoznatim skokovima sa Starog mosta. Mi smo otišli da slikamo u dio grada kojije turistima nepoznat. Naša prva slika jebila u Tekiji.

Below are three television reports articles in B/S/C language about our work / Ovo su TV izvještaji na B/H/S jezicima o našem radu

Drugi Street Arts festival – City televizija

Kulturno, 11.09.2017 – From the 10th minute you can watch about our work. Od 10-te minute možete vidjeti naš rad.

Najšareniji mostarski festival – City televizija

Drugo izdanje Street Arts Festivala i i programa ‘StreetArTura’ urbane intervencije