Private facebook post from a BAB volunteer (31.08.2018).

English text below.

Imao sam apsolutno zadovoljstvo da upoznam ovu divnog mladića i njegovu prekrasnu porodicu u Bosni (Sarajevu). I potpuno sam slomljen da saznam da, ne samo da su još uvijek tamo (doduše, u sjevernom dijelu Bosne), već i da ih stalno guraju natrag i da trebaju da “žive” u ovakvim uslovima.Mnogo ljudi koje smo sreli – muškaraca, žena i djece – dijele i izražavaju mišljenje poput njegovog. Slušam kako mi govore o svojim strašnim putovanjima, a ipak se smiješe i ostaju puni nade u budućnost. Još uvijek vidjeti dobro u ljudima, i pored svog bola i traume kroz koju prolaze – čini me poniznim i grije moje srce, često me ostavlja bez riječi i potpuno zapanjenog njihovom snagom i izdržljivošću. Zaista mnogo učim od ove djece i njihovih porodica. Kako je moguće da su prošli kroz toliko sranja u njihovim kratkim životima i da se i dalje smiju? 

Jasno se sjećam ove porodice, koja je došla na podjelu hrane nekoliko puta prije nego što se naš tim preselio u Mostar i njegove majke, koja nije govorila engleski, ali me je pozvala da jedem s njima svake večeri i poklanjala mi najveće zagrljaju i poljupce kad su odlazili. Mnogo ljubavi i lijepih misli za njih, i za sve druge u njihovom položaju. 

Molim idite na dno poruke za tekst na engleskom i film

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting this lovely young lad and his beautiful family in Bosnia (Sarajevo), and I’m absolutely devastated that not only are they still there (albeit in the north of the country), but that they continue to be pushed back and have to ‘live’ in these conditions.
Lots of people we came across; men, women and children share and express the same views and opinion as he does. Listening to them tell me about the horrendous journeys they’ve had thus far, yet still smiling and remaining hopeful for the future. Still seeing the good in people despite all the hurt and trauma they’ve been through is one of the most humbling and heart warming experiences of my life, quite often leaving me speechless and in sheer awe at their strength and resilience. I really do learn a lot from these kids and their families. How can they go through so much shit in their short little lives and still carry on smiling?

I clearly remember this family, they came to the food distro a few times before our team moved on to Mostar and his mum, who spoke no English, invited me to eat with their family each night and gave me the biggest hugs, squeezes and kisses when they left. Lots of loves and positive thoughts for them all, and everyone else in their position.

Please click on the link to view the short film from MSF.