Bicycle maintenance, art and nature workshops / Održavanje bicikala i umjetničke radionice u prirodi
The first day our cyclists inspected the bicycles and we all spent time getting to know the people in the camp. They are mostly from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The next day we travelled a long distance to purchase spare parts and tools as a main aim of the project was TOT (training of teachers) as we intend our project is self sustainable after we would leave. The next days the bike mechanics taught adults and young people from the camp how to fix and maintain the bicycles.
As they ran these workshops BAB volunteers worked in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages International and the Refugee Language Initiative to provide art and nature workshops for the children at the camp. Everyone worked amazingly together to provide fun based educational workshops.
Prvog dana, naši volonteri su pregledali bicikle i svi smo proveli vrijeme upoznavajući ljude u kampu. Većinom su iz Afganistana, Iraka i Sirije. Sljedećeg dana smo proputovali velike udaljenosti da nabavimo rezervne dijelove i alate, jer je osnovni cilj radionice bio osposobljavanje, jer želimo da naš projekat bude samoodrživ i nakon što mi odemo. Sljedećeg dana, “mehaničari” su pokazali odraslima i mladima kako da održavaju i poprave bicikl.
U ovim radionicama, BAB volonteri su sarađivali sa SOS Children’s Villages International i Refugee Language Initiative i obezbijedili umjetničke i radionice u prirodi za svu djecu u kampu. Svi su radili zajedno, kako bi napravili zabavne poučne radionice.