English text below.
Tim za hitne intervencije
Ove godine, BAB je po prvi put napravio tim za hitne intervencije po pitanju narastajuće krize imigrantske i izbjegličke krize u Bosni i Hercegovini.Tim su činila/i četvoro volontera/ki (jedno od njih kao koordinator), višestruko osposobljenih, koji su sami sebe finansirali. PO dolasku, coordinator je procijenio situaciju i njen uticaj na imigrante i izbjeglice, kao i volontersku pomoć koja je već pružana. Od velikih organizacija, IOM i UNHCR su obezbjeđivali smještaj za izbjegličke porodice koje su se već registrovale. Ove dvije organizacije su radile od ponedjeljka do petka, tako da se pomoć nije pruižala onima koji su dolazili vikendom. Nikakva pomoć nije pružana muškarcima koji su sami. Svu drugu pomoć su pružali nezavisni volonteri i male NVO. To uključuje hranu, deke, vreće za spavanje, šatore, podjelu odjeće i medicinsku pomoć. Ne smije se podcijeniti to da bi, bez pomoći ovih grupa i pojedinaca/ki situacija bila potpuna katastrofa. Ad hoc pomoć su pružali i neki divni ljudi osne i Hercegovine i lokalni volonteri Crvenog krsta.
Po našem dolasku, pomoć je bila moguća na četiri načina:
Nezakonito šatorsko naselje u parku u centru Sarajeva
“Kuća za sve” – kuća za izbjegličke porodice, u kojoj je bilo smješteno oko 50 osoba uključujući djecu i bebe
Izbjeglice i imigranti u tranzitu
Izbjegličke porodice u hostelima koje obezbjeđuje IOM i UNHCR
Moguće je bilo pružiti dodatnu pomoć volonterima/kama i malim NVO-ima u fiziološkom, psihološkom i emotivnom smislu.
Pružena pomoć:
Nezakonito šatorsko naselje.
Isprva smo pružali programe za djecu u šatorskom naselju. Međutim, kako je broj djece bez nadzora koja su dolazila na naše aktivnosti rastao, jer su dolazila i iz hostela, uz stalni rizik od nasilja uzrokovan katastrofalnom podjelom hrane (gdje su izbjeglice i imigranti tučeni štapovima i gdje često nije bivalo dovoljno hrane za sve, što je uzorkovalo nasilje), odlučili smo prekinuti vou aktivnost. Drugi rizik je bio rizik od trgovine djecom, a nismo htjeli stvoriti neobezbijeđeno i nesigurno mjesto gdje bismo djecu mogli nesvjesno izložiti riziku od strane trgovaca djecom. Mora se naglasiti da to nije bio velik rizik tokom našeg projekta, ali smo mi osjećali da je rizik prevelik.
“Kuća za sve”
U “Kući za sve”, koju vode divni volonteri/ke, naš tim je napravio i sproveo programe za djecu i odrasle, za opuštanje od pritiska prenatrpane kuće. Ovi programi su provođeni od 11.00 do 14.00 sati, uključivali su sportske i umjetničke radionice i zabavne igre za djecu. Za odrasle su organizovane i partije šaha i tavle.
Takođe smo dodijelili članici našeg tima da razradi neprekidan program, koji bi vodili lokalni i međunarodni volonteri i kako bi se radionice nastavile i kad mi odemo. Program je uključivao i bazu podataka, moguće pravce djelovanja i kontakte.
Kad god je bilo moguće, prevozili smo doniranu pomoć do “Kuće za sve”.
Izbjeglice i migranti u tranzitu.
Dodatno smo pomagali u podjeli večernjih obroka, deka i odjeće koju su organizovali i vodili neovisni volonteri, kao podršku izbjeglicama i migrantima u tranzitu. Ovi volonteri su bili i jesu izuzetni i profesionalni u svom radu i posvećenosti, u često ekstremnim situacijama.
Dodatna podrška.
Napravili smo i tim lokalnih psihologa da pruža podršku izbjeglicama, migrantima i volonterima.
Drugi projekat koji smo organiizovali je “Prostor za ljude i zajednički prostor”. Ovdje za više detalja
Organizovali smo prikupljanje pomoći na nekoliko punktova u Bi Hi pomagali sa prikupljanjem popmoći koja nije dovožena direktno u Sarajevo ili u izbjeglički kamp u Salakovcu.
Još jedan cilj našeg tima je bio poboljšati koordinaciju između pojedinaca/ki i grupa koje pružaju pomoć, jer je bilo jasno da nema jasne centralne koordinacije.
Dodatna pomoć strukturama je urađena, a umrežavanje i dalje traje kao process.
Tim za hitne intervencije je bio novi pravac u djelovanju BAB-a i shvatamo da je bio vrlo potreban. Ne znamo ni za jednu organizaciju koja je pružala ovaj vid podrške, posebno podrške volonterima koji su i već rade na terenu.
Dobijali smo stalnu pozitivnu povratnu informaciju za posao koji smo obavljali.
Tokom ovog perioda od 3 nedjelje, ne znamo broj ljudi kojima smo pomogli, ali se on vjerovatno kreće u hiljadama.
Tim za hitne intervencije je nešto na šta će se BAB fokusirati u našim budućim projektima.
Ne možemo dovoljno zahvaliti ljudima koji su podržali ovaj neprocjenjivi rad. Nadamo se da ćete i dalje pomagati nama da pomognemo drugima.
This year was the first time BAB created an emergency response team to respond to the unfolding refugee and immigrant crisis in Bosnia Herzegovina. This team consisted of four self funding experienced and multi skilled volunteers, one of whom was the coordinator. Upon arriving the coordinator assessed the situation effecting the refugees and immigrants and the support provided by volunteers already working on the ground. Of the big NGO’s, IOM and UNHCR were providing accommodation to refugee families once registered. These two NGO’s only work Monday to Friday, so no support is given to new arrivals during the weekend. They were not offering any beneficial support to single men. All other support is offered by independent volunteers and small NGO’s. This includes food, blankets, sleeping bags, tents, clothes distribution and medical assistance. It cannot be understated that without the work of these groups and individuals the situation would have been a complete disaster. Also ad-hoc support was offered from some of the amazing people of Bosnia Herzegovina and local Red Cross volunteers.
IOM. International Organization for Migration.https://bih.iom.int/
Upon our arrival there were four possible points of support:
An illegal refugee and immigrant tent camp in a park in the center of Sarajevo.
House of All, which is a house for refugee families numbering around fifty individuals including many children and babies.
Refugees and immigrants in transit.
Refugee families in hostels provided by IOM and UNHCR.
An additional area of support was to assist volunteers and small NGO’s with psychological, physical and emotional needs.
Support given:
Illegal tent park.
Initially we offered programs for children at the tent park but as numbers of unsupervised children coming to our activities increased from the hostels and the constant risk of violence created by a disastrous food distribution (were the refugees and immigrants were beaten with sticks and often there was not enough food provided for all, resulting in violence breaking out), we decided to discontinue these activities. Another reason was the risk of child trafficking and we did not want create an unprotected and unsafe meeting point for children that could expose them to child traffickers. It must be said this was not a high risk during our project, but we felt it was too great a risk.
House of All.
At House Of All which is staffed by brilliant volunteers, our team created and ran programs for the children and adults to relieve stress upon the overcrowded house. These programs would run from 11am till 2pm and included sports, art workshops and fun orientated games for children. For adults chess and backgammon was offered.
We also appointed one of our team to develop a continuous program after we left which is run by local and international volunteers. This included a database and and breakdown of possibilities and contacts.
Whenever possible we transported donated aid to and from House of All.
Refugees and immigrants in transit.
In addition we supported the evening food, blanket and clothing distribution organized and ran by independent volunteers to support refugees and immigrants in transit. These volunteers were and are outstanding and professional in their commitment and hard work, in often extreme working conditions.
Additional support.
We also created a team of four local psychologists to support refugees, immigrants and volunteers.
Another project we organized was the Peoples Place and Community Space. Please click here to read about this.Peoples Place and Community Space, Hrasnica, Sarajevo (20.06.2018)
We organized aid collection points around Bosnia Herzegovina and assisted in the collection of donated aid, that was not delivered directly to Sarajevo or the refugee camp at Solakovac.
Solakovac in the distance.
Another aim of the response team was to create improved coordination between the different individuals and groups offering support as there was no clear central coordination.
Additional support structures were created and network building is an ongoing process.
The emergency response team was a new direction for BAB and we realize a much needed one. We know of no NGO offering this kind of service, especially to support existing volunteer structures working in the field.
We received constant positive feedback for the work we carried out.
During this period of three weeks we have no clear idea of the numbers of people supported ,but it is likely to be in the thousands.
The emergency response team is one of the directions BAB will focus on for future projects.
We cannot thank all the people enough who supported this invaluable work. We hope you will help us to continue helping others.