Our project at the children’s home in Mostar. (13.06.2018)

Dječji dom Mostar

English text below.

BAB je uključen u tri projekta u Dječjem domu. Prvi je cirkuski trening za djecu. To ej sjajan projekt koji djeca vole. Drugi je slikanje murala sa lokalnim umjetnicima/ama i djecom, odmah do umjetničkog djela koje je BAB stvorio prošle godine. Posljednji projekt je stvaranje strukturalnog plana razvoja i implementacijskih procedura kako bi Dječji dom nastavio rasti i razvijati se, za djecu koja su tu smještena. Ako bi to radile, kao što je uobičajeno, velike NVO ili vanjski evaluatori, koštalo bi hiljade eura. BAB će ovaj posao obaviti bez novca, kako bi podržali budućnost djece.

Children’s home in Mostar.

BAB is involved in three projects at the children home. The first is circus training for the kids. It is an amazing project which the kids love. The second is painting together a mural with local artists and the kids at the home, next to the art that our BAB artist created there last year. The last project is creating structural development strategies and implementation processes for the continual growth and development of the children’s home and those who reside in it. If this was carried out by the usual big NGO’s or external evaluators it would cost thousands of Euro’s. BAB is carrying out this work for free to support these children’s futures.

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BAB updates (29May 2018).

First of all sorry for the lack of updates. Big thanks for the donations coming in. No matter how small they do make a difference. Thanks to all the messages of support. They make a massive difference. BIG thanks to the people of Bosnia Herzegovina for your growing support. One of our projects has been the creation of a free shop and community space. The aim is this will be run by Bosnians to support Bosnians and refugees together. So far it has cost around €300 which in the scheme of things is not much at all. There is more work to be done. The nationalities involved in this so far are Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English, American, German, Syrian, Afghan, Ugandan, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and scousers. When people come together beautiful things can happen.

Najprije izvinjenje zbog nedostatka vijesti. Veliko hvala na donacijama oje pristižu. Ma kako bile male, ipak čine razliku. Hvala svima i za poruke podrške. I one čine ogromnu razliku. VELIKO hvala ljudima Bosne i Hercegovine na vašoj rastućoj podršci. Jedan od naših projekata je bio i stvaranje besplatne prodavnice i zajedničkog prostora. Cilj nam je da ovo vode Bosanci za Bosance i izbjeglice. Dosad je ovo koštalo oko 300 € što, u proporciji, svakako nije mnogo. Ima još posla. Dosad uključeni su Bosanci, Hrvati, Srbi, Englezi, Amerikanci, Nijemci, Sirijci, Afganistanci, Uganđani, Italijani, Španci, Portugalci. Kad se ljudi udruže, divne se stvari događaju.

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Analysis of Refugee situation in Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina. 15.05.2018

Bosnia Herzegovina has become the new route for refugees trying to reach Europe. An analysis of the situation can be found on the updated page Refugee Situation.

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Aid collection for refugee support in Bosnia Herzegovina (14 May 2018)

English text below.

Dragi prijatelji,
potrebna nam je vaša pomoć u prikupljanju sredstava za izbjeglice koje avakodnevno pristižu iz Sirije u Sarajevo. Mnogi danima nisu ništa jeli, nemaju na čemu spavati niti se pokriti. Tu su mnoge majke sa bebama i malom djecom kojima je potrebna vaša pomoć.
Ako ste u mogućnosti i imate viška ćebe, vreću za spavanje, šatore, lijekove, hranu i mlijeka za beba, novac, sve ce im dobro doći. Sva sredstva ce se prikupljati u prostorijama Omladinskog Centra Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje i Hostel Balkanarama – Mostar od danas 14. 05.2018.
Pokažimo da imamo razumjevanja i dobro srce! Hvala!

BAB now has two collection points for aid in Bosnia Herzegovina. We will organize transportation to Sarajevo.

Omladinski centar in Gornji Vakuf Uskoplje and Balkanarama hostel in Mostar. Financial support can be sent through our website.

Everything is needed but for now main items are:
Sleeping bags.
Baby food.
Baby bottles.
Shoes and trainers. All sizes.
Wet wipes.
Cotton wool.
Sanitary products for women.

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Refugee support in Bosnia Herzegovina. (14 May 2018)


Our team of experienced volunteers have now arrived in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. We will start volunteering in the next days. As you can see from this picture there are already people who need food and support. We still need more funds and the more funding means the more we can help. Our volunteers are all self funding (we all pay our own travel, food and accommodation costs), so any money you give goes directly to helping people.
Please donate and spread the word.


Naš tim iskusnih volontera je stigao u Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina. Sa volontiranjem počinjemo idućih dana. Kako vidite sa fotografije, već ima ljudi kojima je potrebna hrana i podrška. Još uvijek nam treba više sredstava, jer više sredstava znači da možemo više pomoći. Naši volonteri sami sebe finansiraju (sami plaćamo svoj prevoz, smještaj i hranu), tako da sav novac koji donirate ide direktno za pomoć ljudima.
Molimo donirajte i proširite vijest.

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Refugee support and start of BAB projects. (5th May 2018)

After months of preparing, fund raising and organizing we are extremely happy to announce our projects are about to start. Next week we will be sending a team of experienced volunteers to Sarajevo to support local NGOs helping refugees. We will partner and support Pomozi.ba and the amazing work they are doing. We will probably assist and support more local NGOs, volunteers and Sarajevo people who are so kindly helping these strangers from around the world who have turned up on the doorstep of their city. Thanks to everyone who has been supporting us and donating. It goes without saying more funds are needed as always with this kind of work. Thanks again and we will keep you updated.
Nakon mjeseci priprema, prikupljanja fondova i organiziranja, izuzetno smo sretni što vas možemo obavijestiti da naš projekat počinje. Sljedeće sedmice šaljemo tim iskusnih volontera u Sarajevo, kao podršku domaćim nevladinim organizacijama koje pomažu izbjeglicama. Radićemo u partnerstvu sa Pomozi.ba i podržati nevjerovatan posao koji obavljaju. Pomagaćemo, vjerovatno, i druge organizacije, volontere i ljude Sarajeva koji velikodušno pomažu strancima iz cijelog svijeta koji su se pojavili na pragu njihovog grada.
Hvala svima koji su nam pomogli, podrškom ili finansijski.
Nije potrebno naglašavati da je uvijek potrebno više sredstava u ovakvom radu. Hvala još jednom i nastavićemo vas obavještavati o napretku.
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Big massive thankyou. (30 April 2018)


Thankyou to everyone who made our fundarising event in Berlin on the 27th April such a wonderfull event.
A super special thanks to the two amazing bands Shipwreck Rats and Gutter Romance for their great performences. Also thanks to the helpers on the night. You all made it a great evening and thanks to all the lovely people who came. Your support makes such a difference.


Hvala svima koji su doprinijeli da naš događaj prikupljanja sredstava u Berlinu 27. aprila bude tako uspješan. Super veliko hvala ide za dva odlična benda Shipwreck Rats i Gutter Romance na njihovim odličnim izvedbama. Svi ste zaslužni za divno veče i hvala svim divnim  ljudima koji su došli. Vaša podrška zaista donosi veliku promjenu.

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Fund Raising event at the Tree in Berlin, Germany. 27 April 2018. (posted 20 April).

On Friday the 27th April we will be holding a fundraising event in Berlin at the infamous tree. Doors open at 20.00. It is free, but we will be asking for donations and refreshments will be able to be donated for.

We have two amazing bands playing:



Come along and bring your friends. There will be surprises and more for your enjoyment.

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Project at the children’s home in Mostar (June 2018) posted 14 April 2018.

English, Bosnian below. 

We are happy to announce another volunteer who is joining BAB for our project at the children’s home in Mostar. She has so many skills, but one specialty is painting murals with children and teenagers and we plan to make an amazing and colorful painting together at the children’s home.
This project is growing and we will be offering circus training, art workshops, sports and more. Artists from around the world will also be coming to decorate the buildings.
Big thanks to the amazing team of volunteers who coming together to bring happiness for these children and teenagers. Everyone is totally self funding, but we are fundraising to cover the costs of materials. If you want to help please get in contact.

Drago nam je objaviti da nam se u BAB projektu za dječiju kuću u Mostaru priključila još jedna volonterka. Ona je svestrana, ali joj je posebna specijalnost slikanje murala sa djecom i mladima i planira upravo to i uraditi i Dječijoj kući.
Ovaj projekat raste, i omogućit će cirkuski trening, umjetničke radionice, sport i mnogo više. Umjetnici iz cijelog svijeta dolaze da ukrašavaju zgrade.
Veliko hvala nevjerovatnom timu volontera i volonterki, koji se ujedinjuju kako bi djeci i mladima donijeli radost. Svako/a od njih sam/a sebe finansira u potpunosti, ali sredstva prikupljamo za materijale. Ako želite pomoći, javite nam se.

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Street Art Festival (June), Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina 2018 (Posted 10 April 2018)

We have some sad news, but also some good news. Our street artist OKIDOKI, who was our first Berlin based artist to take part in the Mostar street art festival last year, due to a serious back injury can no longer take part in this years project. We wish him a speedy recovery and maybe he can join us again next year.
But our other amazing artist Ale Senso has confirmed and is probably going to create two paintings, one of which may be an entire building in the center of the divided city. Here is some pictures of her absolutely amazing art.
BAB as well as continuing to work in supporting and connecting people will also continue in creating and supporting the arts within communities and the reclaiming of community space.

Imamo neke loše, ali i neke dobre novosti. Naš ulični umjetnik, koji je bio naš prvi berlinski umjetnik učesnik Uičnog art festivala u Mostaru prošle godine, zbog ozbiljne povrede leđa ne može učestvovati u projektu ove godine. Želimo mu brz oporavak i možda nam se priključi ponovo iduće godine!
Ali je naša druga čudesna umjetnica, Ale Senso, potvrdila svoje učešće i vjerovatno će raditi dvije slike, od kojih će jedna, moguće, biti cijela zgrada u centru podijeljenog grada. Ovdje su i slike nekih od njenih apsolutno fenomenalnih umjetnina.
BAB će, osim što podržava i povezuje ljude, nastaviti stvarati i podržavati umjetnost u zajednicama i tražiti zajedničke prostore.
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