Refugee support in Bosnia Herzegovina. (14 May 2018)


Our team of experienced volunteers have now arrived in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. We will start volunteering in the next days. As you can see from this picture there are already people who need food and support. We still need more funds and the more funding means the more we can help. Our volunteers are all self funding (we all pay our own travel, food and accommodation costs), so any money you give goes directly to helping people.
Please donate and spread the word.


Naš tim iskusnih volontera je stigao u Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina. Sa volontiranjem počinjemo idućih dana. Kako vidite sa fotografije, već ima ljudi kojima je potrebna hrana i podrška. Još uvijek nam treba više sredstava, jer više sredstava znači da možemo više pomoći. Naši volonteri sami sebe finansiraju (sami plaćamo svoj prevoz, smještaj i hranu), tako da sav novac koji donirate ide direktno za pomoć ljudima.
Molimo donirajte i proširite vijest.

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