Apart from our normal daily work trying to help refugees and immigrants.
BAB was invited to give a presentation at a Sarajevo secondary school yesterday. There was more young people than we expected. Around 80 teenagers came and we also offered a question and answer session about our work in Bosnia Herzegovina. We were amazed by these young people and their understanding and empathy to the situation of the refugees and immigrants. They also want to help us help. Some of them wrote amazing essays which we will publish on the website when we have some spare time.
Then in the evening when we were doing our normal night checks we came across a guy we have got to know the last three months. We know him as “Sound as a pound” as when he knew some of the volunteers came from Merseyside he would always say the phrase. He is from a north African country and had dated and English woman so he knew various slang. He had arrived back in that moment on the street where we had met him a few days before just as he was leaving for the border. We hoped to never see him again. He was caught in Zagreb and it was clear he had been heavily beaten and pushed back. The details are too horrific to write. He broke down in our arms crying. It is hard to explain how it makes you feel to see people being broken by this situation. We gave him a sleeping bag and some blankets and some money for food as he had not eaten in days. It is not easy work but we again want to thank everyone who has been helping us to help others