Ranije ove godine BAB-u su donirane digitalne kamere za projekat koji smo planirali uraditi sa izbjeglicama u Sarajevu. Ideja je bila da stvore fotografije njihovih utisaka o Sarajevu koje bi bile postavljene u Sarajevu. Zbog situacije i toga što je naš rad morao biti usmjeren na osnovno preživljavanje, nismo bili u mogućnosti provesti ovaj projekat. Ipak se nadamo da ćemo u budućnosti moći provesti ovu ideju. U međuvremenu smo čuli o grupi u Brazilu čiji su životi i preživljavanje u opasnosti zbog ilegalne sječe prašume. Oni se zovu Guajajara i žive u istočnoj regiji Amazona u zaštićenom rezervatu. Pokušavaju zaštititi živote i svoj habitat odupirući se ilegalnim pilanama dokuemntujući uništavanje prašume. Nekoliko ih je ubijeno. Nakon razgovora sa donatorima, dogovoreno je da se dvije digitalne kamere doniraju njima kao pomoć. Možete više pročitati o Guajajarama ovdje:https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3425-giving-a-platform-to-the-tribal-guardians-of-the-natural-world
Nezavisni autor filmova odlazi da živi s njima tri mjeseca, i pokušat će im pomoći da dokumetuju sve što se dešava. Razumljivo, ova osoba i svoju sigurnost stavlja na kocku. Već je radio na filmu o izbjeglicama koje pokušavaju preći iz Francuske u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Ako želite pomoći njemu u ovim naporima, možete otići na ovaj link za crowdfunding:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/guardians-of-the-forest#/
English Text.
Earlier this year BAB was donated some digital camera’s for a project we intended to do with the refugees in Sarajevo. The idea was for them to take photo’s of their impression of Sarajevo and we would exhibit these photos in Sarajevo. Due to the situation and our work needing to be more focused on basic survival needs we were unable to carry out the project. We still hope in the future to be able to create this amazing idea.
In the meantime we heard about a group of indigenous people in Brazil who’s lives and community are at risk due to illegal logging of their rain forest. They are called the Guajajara and live east of the Amazon region on a protected reserve. They are trying to protect their lives and their habitat by resisting the illegal loggers and also documenting the destruction of the rain forest. A number of them have already been killed. After speaking to the donors of the digital camera’s we all agreed to donate two camera’s to try to help them. You can read more about the Guajajara here:https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3425-giving-a-platform-to-the-tribal-guardians-of-the-natural-world
There is also an independent film maker who will live with them the next three months trying to help them document what is happening. As you can understand this person is putting their personal safety at risk. He already made a film about a refugee trying to cross from France to the United Kingdom. If you would like to support him in his efforts you can click on his crowdfunding:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/guardians-of-the-forest#/