Medical Training for our ERT. (01.11.2018) English text below.

Medicinski trening

Organizujemo dvodnevni medicinski trening za naše volontere/ke 24 i 25 novembra u berlinu.

Prvi dan je osnovna prva pomoć.

Drugi dan će pažnja biti usmjerena na promrzline, pothlađenost, prepoznavanje ozbiljnih bolesti i hitni porođaj.

Mi nismo medicinski tim, ali vjerujemo da je dobro da naši volonteri budu pripremljeni na sve vrste hitnih slučajeva.

Medical training. We will have two days medical training for our volunteers on the 24/25 of November in Berlin.

The first day is basic first aid.

The second day would have a focus on frostbite, hypothermia, identification of serious diseases and emergency child birth.

We are not a medical team but we believe it is good for our volunteers to be prepared for all emergencies.

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