Projekat za ljude i zajednički prostor. (17.06.2018)

English text below.

Možda smo ludi i previše posvećeni, ali smo odlučili da poklonimo nešto malo “Projektu za ljude i zajedničkom prostoru” u Hrasnici. Tako je, između našeg posla koji nikad ne završava, naša nevjerovatna umjetnica Ale Senso uložila još sati rada da završi svoj ogromni mural u samo nekoliko dana. Uskočili smo u auto i odvezli se natrag za Sarajevo na svega 24 sata. Jedan volonter je pomogao sa bojenjem i sortiranjem donirane pomoći. Drugi je radio na strateškom dokumentu za prostor. Treći je radio na dokumentima koji mogu pomoći da se unaprijede životi djece u dječjim domovima u Bosni i Hercegovini, a Ale je slikala. Kakav predivan, posvećen tim, a još mnogo toga se tek doći. I da, potkrala se i greška u pisanju. Ali oprostite nam, radili smo 15 sati dnevno, a jedina greška je slovo. Mislim da smo dobro uradili. I da, danas će izbjeglice biti u centru i birati odjeću. Hvala svima na svoj vašoj pomoći.

Peoples project and community space.

We may be crazy and totally over committed but we decided we want to give a little something more to the “peoples project and community space” in Hrasnica. So in-between all our endless work and our amazing artist Ale Senso working even more hours to finish her massive beautiful mural in just four days. We jumped in the car and drove back to Sarajevo and spent around 24 hours there. One volunteers helped with painting and sorting aid. Another worked on the strategy document for the space. Another worked on documents to improve the lives of residents in children’s homes in Bosnia Herzegovina and Ale painted. What an amazing committed team and there is a lot more to come. And yes, there is a spelling mistake. But give us a break, working 15 hours per day and the only mistake is a letter. I think we did okay. Oh and today refugees will be at the space choosing clothes. Thanks again to everyone for all you help.

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