Support for children at risk and the Peoples place and Community Space. (06.07.2018)

English text below.

BAB je uključen u stvaranje više projekata o kojima vas još nismo obavještavali, jer su tek na počecima. Ali smo izuzetno sretni da objavimo da počinje jedan od naših novih projekata.
Zajedno sa partnerima iz Bosne i Hercegovine smo razvijali programe i strategije za pomoć djeci pod rizikom. Ove strategije će se takođe koristiti da se obučava osoblje koje radi sa djecom pod rizikom. Uskoro slijedi faza pilotiranja u domovima i školama. Tokom stvaranja strategija smo u potpunosti uzeli u obzir svih pitanja sa kojima se BiH susreće, kao i problema u implementaciji. Nastavićemo vas obavještavati o napredovanju.
Takođe s ponosom objavljujemo da je “Prostor za ljude i zajednicu” u svojoj drugoj sedmici rada od otvaranja. Volonteri ga vode i samostalno je organizovan. Nadamo se da će rasti, razvijati se i nastaviti pružati pomoć svim ljudima. Ljudima koji donose donacije: deke, vreće za spavanje, cipele (za hodanje, broj 39-43) su najveće potrebe.
Molimo nastavite pomagati nas koji pomažemo drugima. Sad možete vidjeti šta vaša pomoć omogućava.

BAB is involved in the development of a number of projects we have not informed you of as yet, as they are in the early stages. But we are very happy to announce one of our new projects is becoming active. We have in partnership with a local organization in Bosnia Herzegovina been developing programs and strategies to improve care of children at risk. These strategies will also be used to train staff who work with children at risk. They are soon to be piloted in a children’s home and some schools. In developing this work we had to be fully aware of all issues facing Bosnia Herzegovina and implementation problems. We will keep you informed of developments.

We are also happy to announce the “Peoples place and Community Space” is in its second week since opening. It is volunteer run and self organized. We hope it grows, develops and continues to support people from around the world. People bringing donations to the shop, blankets, sleeping bags and shoes (good for walking) size 39-43 are especially needed.

Please keep supporting us to help others. You can now see what your help is enabling people to do.

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