A small act of solidarity. (08.10.2018)

English text below.

30. oktobra ove godine, BAB je poklonio dva foto aparata kao pomoć lokalnom narodu u Brazilu, da dokumentuju ilegalnu sječu prašume i, nadamo se da će i uspjeti u zaustavljanju. Više o tome možete pročitati u blogu. Upravo su nam poslali fotografija, kao znak zahvalnosti. Želimo im snagu i uspjeh u onom što pokušavaju ostvariti. Molimo pomozite nam da pomognemo drugima.

On the 30 October this year BAB donated two cameras to help an indigenous tribe in Brazil document the illegal logging of their rain forest and in doing so hopefully help them stop this. You can read more about it further down this blog.

They just sent us a picture as a thankyou. We wish them strength in what they are trying to achieve. Please help us help others.

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