Volunteers arrive in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. (09.12.2018)

English text below.

Naša prva dva volontera su stigla u Sarajevo nakon duge vožnje iz Berlina. Nalazimo se sa starim prijateljima i nevjerovatnim volonterima da vidimo kako najbolje pomoći njima i njihovim programima pomoći izbjeglicama i imigrantima ovdje. Ogromno poštovanje za AidBrigade, Aid collective, BASIS, Cadus i druge grupe za njihov nevjerovatan rad. Takođe smo sortirali pomoć koju smo prikupili i ona je spremna da se preda BASIS-u za njihovu podjelu na ulicama.

Our first two volunteers have arrived in Sarajevo after a long drive from Berlin. We are catching up with old friends and amazing volunteers to find out how we can help their amazing support of the refugees and immigrants here. We have massive respect for AidBrigade, Aid collective, BASIS, Cadus and other groups for the amazing work they are all doing. We also sorted the aid we collected ready to be given to BASIS for their street distribution.

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