A small act of solidarity. (08.10.2018)

English text below.

30. oktobra ove godine, BAB je poklonio dva foto aparata kao pomoć lokalnom narodu u Brazilu, da dokumentuju ilegalnu sječu prašume i, nadamo se da će i uspjeti u zaustavljanju. Više o tome možete pročitati u blogu. Upravo su nam poslali fotografija, kao znak zahvalnosti. Želimo im snagu i uspjeh u onom što pokušavaju ostvariti. Molimo pomozite nam da pomognemo drugima.

On the 30 October this year BAB donated two cameras to help an indigenous tribe in Brazil document the illegal logging of their rain forest and in doing so hopefully help them stop this. You can read more about it further down this blog.

They just sent us a picture as a thankyou. We wish them strength in what they are trying to achieve. Please help us help others.

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BAB novosti/BAB update. (04.10.2018) English text below.

Posljednjih sedmica se nismo javljali, ali smo bili zauzeti organizacijom i izgradnjom veza sa drugima u pozadini. Slijedi sažetak projakta, događaja i ličnih detalja. Više možete pročitati na našoj web stranici.

Jako smo sretni da će naša prva međunarodna razmjena početi za nedjelju dana. Ona se odnosi na dvadeset žena, deset iz Njemačke i deset iz Bosne i Hercegovine, zainteresovanih za umjetnost i aktivizam. Provešće dvije sedmice zajedno, prvu u Berlinu, drugu u Mostaru, BiH. Ova razmjena je stvorena u partnerstvu sa Nature Friends, Njemačaka i Vijeće mladih Mostara, BiH. Možete saznati više preko naše webstranice.https://bridgesacrossborders.net/info-and-solidarity-events/

Tokom druge sedmice BABA boravka u BiH, BAB volonteri će otputovati u sve zone sa migrantima i izbjeglicama, da razgovaraju o planovima za zimu i humanitarnoj krizi koju očekujemo. Ovi sastanci će biti sa pojedinačnim aktivistima/cama, volenterima/kama i malim grupama, za koje se nadamo da će umrežavanjam i zajedničkim radom nekako uspjeti obezbijediti da između 10 i 20.000 ljudi ostane živo. Za sad, ako sve bude išlo kako je planirano, mi ćemo pomagati i raditi u pranterstvu sa još 12 drugih grupa.

Takođe, tokom posjete Mostaru, nastavićemo da pružamo podršku Dječijem domu i predaćemo veliku količinu dokumenata na kojima smo radili, kako bi se popravila situacija sa brigom o djeci u riziku. Radićemo u partnerstvu za implementaciju novih strategija, za koje se nadamo da će pomoći djeci u riziku širom BiH. https://bridgesacrossborders.net/childrens-home-mostar/ https://bridgesacrossborders.net/our-project-at-the-childrens-home-in-mostar-13-06-2018/ Ovo će biti urađeno otoreno, dostupno i besplatno, radeći sa edukatorima/cama djece. Ovo je početak dugoročnog projekta, koji kao jedan od ciljeva ima i podršku traumatizovanim odraslim osobama. Takođe smo proširili naš krug i solidarisali se sa domicilnim stanovništvom, jednim plemenom u Brazilu.https://bridgesacrossborders.net/malo-djelo-solidarnosti-sa-drugim-dijelom-svijeta-a-small-act-of-solidarity-to-the-other-side-of-the-world-30-08-2018/ Ovo je prva naša podrška nekom tako udaljenom mjestu. Pored svega ovoga, dobili smo pomoć od izbjeglica bez smještaja kojima smo mi pomagali ovog ljeta u BiH, i to u brizi za maloljetnike bez skrbnika u UK.

Ima toga još, ali mislimo da smo dovoljno rekli za ovaj put.

Još nam trebaju donacije za naš zimski projekat, kad ćemo poslati tim za hitne intervencije u BiH.

The last weeks we have been quiet on updates but very busy organizing and networking in the background. Here is a summery of projects, events and personal moments. You can read more details by exploring the website.

We are very happy to announce our first international exchange will start in one weeks time. This is for twenty women, ten living in Germany and ten from Bosnia Herzegovina interested in art and activism. They will spend two weeks together, the first week in Berlin, Germany and the second in Mostar, BiH. Both elements include programs that include networking, learning about each other cultures, creating art and more. This exchange has been created in partnership with Nature friends, Germany and Mostar youth council, BiH. Both weeks will include an event about the exchange that will also be soli/info events for the refugees and immigrants in BiH. You can find out more by visiting our events page.https://bridgesacrossborders.net/info-and-solidarity-events/

During the second week in BiH two BAB volunteers will travel to all the refugee and immigrant hotspots to discuss and plan for the coming winter and the humanitarian disaster we are expecting to happen. These meetings will take place with individual activists, volunteers and small groups who through uniting and working together we hope can somehow provide the basic needs to keep between 10 and 20 000 people alive. So far if all goes to plan we will be supporting and working in partnership with at least twelve other groups.
Also during the visit to Mostar we are continuing our support for the children’s home and will be handing over a large number of documents we have been working on to improve the care of children at risk.https://bridgesacrossborders.net/childrens-home-mostar/  https://bridgesacrossborders.net/our-project-at-the-childrens-home-in-mostar-13-06-2018/ We will work in partnership for the implementation of these new strategies, which we hope will go on to help children at risk throughout BiH. This will be done through open source and for free working with educators of children. This is the start of a long term project with additional aims of supporting traumatized adults. We also expanded out solidarity starting to support an indigenous tribe in Brazil. This is our first support to such a far away place.https://bridgesacrossborders.net/malo-djelo-solidarnosti-sa-drugim-dijelom-svijeta-a-small-act-of-solidarity-to-the-other-side-of-the-world-30-08-2018/

Along side all this we have been getting support from homeless refugees we helped in the summer in BiH now helping unaccompanied refugee children in the UK. There is more but we think that is enough to tell you for now. We still need donations for our winter project when we will send emergency response teams to BiH.

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Malo djelo solidarnosti sa drugim dijelom svijeta/A small act of solidarity to the other side of the world. (30.08.2018)

Ranije ove godine BAB-u su donirane digitalne kamere za projekat koji smo planirali uraditi sa izbjeglicama u Sarajevu. Ideja je bila da stvore fotografije njihovih utisaka o Sarajevu koje bi bile postavljene u Sarajevu. Zbog situacije i toga što je naš rad morao biti usmjeren na osnovno preživljavanje, nismo bili u mogućnosti provesti ovaj projekat. Ipak se nadamo da ćemo u budućnosti moći provesti ovu ideju. U međuvremenu smo čuli o grupi u Brazilu čiji su životi i preživljavanje u opasnosti zbog ilegalne sječe prašume. Oni se zovu Guajajara i žive u istočnoj regiji Amazona u zaštićenom rezervatu. Pokušavaju zaštititi živote i svoj habitat odupirući se ilegalnim pilanama dokuemntujući uništavanje prašume. Nekoliko ih je ubijeno. Nakon razgovora sa donatorima, dogovoreno je da se dvije digitalne kamere doniraju njima kao pomoć. Možete više pročitati o Guajajarama ovdje:https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3425-giving-a-platform-to-the-tribal-guardians-of-the-natural-world

Nezavisni autor filmova odlazi da živi s njima tri mjeseca, i pokušat će im pomoći da dokumetuju sve što se dešava. Razumljivo, ova osoba i svoju sigurnost stavlja na kocku. Već je radio na filmu o izbjeglicama koje pokušavaju preći iz Francuske u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Ako želite pomoći njemu u ovim naporima, možete otići na ovaj link za crowdfunding:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/guardians-of-the-forest#/

English Text.

Earlier this year BAB was donated some digital camera’s for a project we intended to do with the refugees in Sarajevo. The idea was for them to take photo’s of their impression of Sarajevo and we would exhibit these photos in Sarajevo. Due to the situation and our work needing to be more focused on basic survival needs we were unable to carry out the project. We still hope in the future to be able to create this amazing idea.

In the meantime we heard about a group of indigenous people in Brazil who’s lives and community are at risk due to illegal logging of their rain forest. They are called the Guajajara and live east of the Amazon region on a protected reserve. They are trying to protect their lives and their habitat by resisting the illegal loggers and also documenting the destruction of the rain forest. A number of them have already been killed. After speaking to the donors of the digital camera’s we all agreed to donate two camera’s to try to help them. You can read more about the Guajajara here:https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3425-giving-a-platform-to-the-tribal-guardians-of-the-natural-world

There is also an independent film maker who will live with them the next three months trying to help them document what is happening. As you can understand this person is putting their personal safety at risk. He already made a film about a refugee trying to cross from France to the United Kingdom. If you would like to support him in his efforts you can click on his crowdfunding:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/guardians-of-the-forest#/

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A story about a dog that volunteered for BAB. (10.08.2018)

English below.

BAB je vrlo zaposlen organizacijom naša sljedeća dva projekta, kao i još dva koja planiramo. Prostor za ljude i zajednički prostor u hrasnici, Sarajevo, još uvijek radi i prža podršku izbjeglicama i lokalcima. Zahvaljujemo volonterima zbog kojih je ovo moguće.
Zasad ćemo vam pričati o psu volonteru koji je došao da pomogne ove godine. Ime mu je Kali i on je pas. Prvi put je volontirao i ispostavilo se da je odličan volonter.
Putovao je skroz iz Njemačke da bi pomogao. Čim je stigao, počeo je raditi na podjeli hrane u Sarajevu. Bili smo svjesni da neki ljudi možda dolaze iz kultura koje ne prihvataju pse, ali, još važnije, bili smo svjesni i da su neki od izbjeglica bili u situaciji kad su psi korišteni kao oružje protiv njih, od strane policije ili vojske. Tako da smo morali biti pažljivi da ne uzrokujemo traumu. Držali smo ga van linije podjele hrane. Na samom kraju, prišla je trinaestogodišnja djevojčica iz Afganistana, koju je očito zainteresovao. Ona je nevjerovanta mlada žena, koja je govorila mnogo jezika, a sve ih je naučila usput, živeći u toliko izbjegličkih kampova sa toliko stranih volontera.
Trebalo je vremena, i prvo ga je oklijevajući pomilovala, sve dok njen strah nije nestao. Tad joj je vlasnik psa dao povodac i ohrabrio ju da ga povede u šetnju. Tako je i uradila, i na povratku je na njenom licu bio veliki osmijeh i rekla je da joj je to bio prvi put da miluje i šeta psa.
Sljedeće noći, nakon pomaganja sa podjelom hrane, dok su ljudi čekali na podjelu cipela i deka, svi su se smiješili Kaliju. Zato je bio pušten sa povoca. Jedan čovjek iz Sirije, koji je bio „u igri“ te noći (ovo je izraz koji se koristi za pokušaj prelaska granice), trčao je dugo vremena sa Kalijem, vičući i smijući se, a Kali je lajao kao odgovor i trčao uokolo, obojica vjerujući potpunom strancu. Kad je došlo vrijeme da se rastanemo, dao je Kaliju polovicu svoje zapakovane hrane. Podijelio je hranu sa psom, ne znajući kad će sljedeći put imati priliku da jede i da li će te noći biti uhvaćen i pretučen.
Sljedećeg dana Kali je otišao u Mostar u dječiji dom. Djeca bi se okupljala oko njega stalno, nekad je dvadesetero djece htjelo da ga pomiluje odjednom. Ponekad je bio pod stresom, ali nikad agresivan prema djeci. Bio je strpljiv, čak i kad ga je najmanje uhvatilo za povodac i prošetalo. Znao je da nemaju snagu kao on, ali ih nikad nije vukao.
Ove zime će se vratiti u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Obožava snijeg, jer je mješanac haskija. Obožava hladnoću, čak i -25. Tako da se nadamo da će, dok se ljudi budu smrzavali, gladni, bolesni, povrijeđeni ili pretučeni, Kali barem na trenutak pomoći tim ljudima i djeci da zaborave na glad, bol ili očaj. On ih ne ocjenjuje prema boji kože, odakle dolaze, u šta vjeruju. On će samo htjeti da se s njima igra na ledenom snijegu.
Molimo pomozite naš rad da mi pomognemo drugima.

BAB has been very busy organizing for our two upcoming projects. As well an additional two in the planning. The Peoples Place and Community Space in HasrinIca, Sarajevo is still working supporting refugees and the local community. We thank the volunteers who are making this possible.Peoples Place and Community Space, Hrasnica, Sarajevo (20.06.2018)

So for now we are going to tell you a story about canine volunteer who came to help this year.
His name is Kali and he is a dog. It was his first time to volunteer and he proved to be an amazing volunteer.
He traveled all the way from Germany to help. Upon arriving he started to work immediately at a food distribution in Sarajevo. We were very aware that some people may come from cultures that are not accepting of dogs but more importantly we were aware that some of the refugees and immigrants may have had dogs used as weapons against them by police or military forces. So we had to be careful as not to create any trauma. We kept him away from the food line.

Towards the end a thirteen year old Afghani girl who was intrigued to meet him, approached. She is an amazing young woman who spoke so many languages which she learned along the way from living in so many refugee camps from various volunteers. It took time but first she hesitantly stroked him until eventually she left her fear behind. Then the owner of the dog gave her the line and said take him for a walk. She did and when she returned with such a big smile on her face saying it was the first time she had ever had contact with a dog.
The next night after helping distribute food again this time as people waited for shoes and blankets they all smiled at kali. So he was allowed to go free. One man from Syria who was about to go “on the game” that night. This is the term used for trying to cross the borders. He ran around for ages with Kali shouting and laughing as Kali barked along with him and ran around, both trusting a total stranger. As all our times came to leave he gave Kali half of his packed meal. Half of his meal he shared with a dog, not knowing when he would get to eat again or if he would be violently beaten that night, if caught.
The next day Kali went to Mostar to volunteer at a children’s home.http://www.djecijidom-mostar.ba/index.php/en/ Repeatedly the children would swarm around him. Sometimes twenty children wanting to stroke him at once. Sometimes he was a bit stressed but was never ever aggressive towards the children. He was patient even when the smallest took him by the line to walk. He knew they did not have the strength he has, but would never pull them.
This winter he will return to Bosnia Herzegovina. He loves the snow as he has some Husky in him. He loves the cold, even minus 25. So we hope as the people are freezing, hungry, sick, injured from being beaten he will for even a slight moment help to take these people (including children’s) minds off there hunger, pain and desperation. He does not judge them because of their skin colour, where they come come, their faith or belief. He will just want to play in the freezing cold snow with them.
Please help fund our work to help others.


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Support for children at risk and the Peoples place and Community Space. (06.07.2018)

English text below.

BAB je uključen u stvaranje više projekata o kojima vas još nismo obavještavali, jer su tek na počecima. Ali smo izuzetno sretni da objavimo da počinje jedan od naših novih projekata.
Zajedno sa partnerima iz Bosne i Hercegovine smo razvijali programe i strategije za pomoć djeci pod rizikom. Ove strategije će se takođe koristiti da se obučava osoblje koje radi sa djecom pod rizikom. Uskoro slijedi faza pilotiranja u domovima i školama. Tokom stvaranja strategija smo u potpunosti uzeli u obzir svih pitanja sa kojima se BiH susreće, kao i problema u implementaciji. Nastavićemo vas obavještavati o napredovanju.
Takođe s ponosom objavljujemo da je “Prostor za ljude i zajednicu” u svojoj drugoj sedmici rada od otvaranja. Volonteri ga vode i samostalno je organizovan. Nadamo se da će rasti, razvijati se i nastaviti pružati pomoć svim ljudima. Ljudima koji donose donacije: deke, vreće za spavanje, cipele (za hodanje, broj 39-43) su najveće potrebe.
Molimo nastavite pomagati nas koji pomažemo drugima. Sad možete vidjeti šta vaša pomoć omogućava.

BAB is involved in the development of a number of projects we have not informed you of as yet, as they are in the early stages. But we are very happy to announce one of our new projects is becoming active. We have in partnership with a local organization in Bosnia Herzegovina been developing programs and strategies to improve care of children at risk. These strategies will also be used to train staff who work with children at risk. They are soon to be piloted in a children’s home and some schools. In developing this work we had to be fully aware of all issues facing Bosnia Herzegovina and implementation problems. We will keep you informed of developments.

We are also happy to announce the “Peoples place and Community Space” is in its second week since opening. It is volunteer run and self organized. We hope it grows, develops and continues to support people from around the world. People bringing donations to the shop, blankets, sleeping bags and shoes (good for walking) size 39-43 are especially needed.

Please keep supporting us to help others. You can now see what your help is enabling people to do.

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Street Art in Mostar. (Update 30.06.2018)

Tako smo sretni da radimo u partnerstvu sa Mostar Street Art festivalom već drugu godinu zaredom. Evo nekih fotografija Ale Senso i njenog slikanja nevjerovatnog murala, koji je naslikala u svega četiri dana.

Ovo je četvrti mural u Mostaru i najveći do sad. Nadam se da ćemo ovo partnerstvo nastaviti i ubuduće.


Hvala svima koji su bili uključeni. Lista je predugačka i pokazuje opet i iznova šta se može postići kad se ljudi udruže i stvore nevjerovatne stvari.

We are so happy to work in partnership with the Mostar Street Art Festival, for a second year running. Here are some photo’s from the amazing painting from Ale Senso, which she painted in just four days.
This is now our forth mural in Mostar and our biggest yet.
We hope to continue this partnership in future.
Thankyou to everyone involved. The list is too long and shows yet again what can be achieved when people come together to create amazing things.



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The ever growing mural at the children’s home in Mostar. (23.06.2018)

English text below.

Zid u Dječjem domu u Mostaru, koji je naš umjetnik Okidoki oslikao u 2017, narastao je ove godine. Najprije je grupa studenata iz Hong Konga oslikavala sa djecom iz doma. Onda su naši volonteri pomogli Medini, umjetnici iz Mostara, da oslika drugi mural sa djecom. Onda su dva umjetnika, Darko i Miro iz Tuzle (kao gosti Street Art festivala) takođe dodali na zid. Želimo se zahvaliti Street Art festivalu na nabavci boja. Zid, koji smo počeli zajedno sa Street Art festivalom, sad postaje galerija na otvorenom, da uljepša djeci dane. Volimo umjetnost i podržavamo kulturne aktivnosti.

The wall in the children’s home in Mostar, that our Berlin artist Okidoki painted in 2017 grew this year. First a group of students from Hong Kong painted with the kids from the children’s home. Then our BAB volunteers helped a local artist Medina from Mostar paint another mural with the children. Then two artists Darko and Miro from Tuzla (as guests from the Street Art Festival) also added to the wall. We want to thank the Street Art Festival for supplying the paint. The wall we started together with the Street Art Festival is now becoming an outdoor gallery for the children’s home to brighten their days. We love art and support cultural activities.

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Peoples Place and Community Space, Hrasnica, Sarajevo (20.06.2018)

English text below. Mi u BAB-u smo presretni što Projekat za ljude i  zajednički prostor pomažu ljudima iz cijelog svijeta. ovdje vidite izbjeglice koje biraju besplantu odjeću kao u svakoj običnoj prodavnici. Radiće na principu poena, kako bi sve bilo fer. Ljudi će takođe moći volontirati na sortiranju pomoći i donacija i time zarađivati dodatne poene. Vjerujemo da pomoć i donacije, kad god je moguće, moraju biti davani sa dostojanstvom. Ova lokalna zajednica već podržava ideju i zamjenjuje stvari koje su izbjeglicama potrebne.

Divne ideje se mogu ostvariti kad ljudi rade skupa. Hvala svima koji su podržavali naš rad. Molimo nastavite sa podrškom, jer on nije prestao. Pomozite nama da pomognemo drugima.

At BAB we are very happy that the peoples place and community space is helping people from around the world. Here you see refugees choosing free clothes as if in a normal shop. It will work on a points system so it can be fair. Also people will be able to volunteer sorting aid and donations to get extra points. We believe aid and donations when possible should be given with dignity. The local community is already supporting the idea and exchanging items needed for refugees.
Beautiful ideas are possible when people work together. Thankyou to everyone who has been supporting our work. Please keep supporting as our work has not stopped. Help us to help others.


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Projekat za ljude i zajednički prostor. (17.06.2018)

English text below.

Možda smo ludi i previše posvećeni, ali smo odlučili da poklonimo nešto malo “Projektu za ljude i zajedničkom prostoru” u Hrasnici. Tako je, između našeg posla koji nikad ne završava, naša nevjerovatna umjetnica Ale Senso uložila još sati rada da završi svoj ogromni mural u samo nekoliko dana. Uskočili smo u auto i odvezli se natrag za Sarajevo na svega 24 sata. Jedan volonter je pomogao sa bojenjem i sortiranjem donirane pomoći. Drugi je radio na strateškom dokumentu za prostor. Treći je radio na dokumentima koji mogu pomoći da se unaprijede životi djece u dječjim domovima u Bosni i Hercegovini, a Ale je slikala. Kakav predivan, posvećen tim, a još mnogo toga se tek doći. I da, potkrala se i greška u pisanju. Ali oprostite nam, radili smo 15 sati dnevno, a jedina greška je slovo. Mislim da smo dobro uradili. I da, danas će izbjeglice biti u centru i birati odjeću. Hvala svima na svoj vašoj pomoći.

Peoples project and community space.

We may be crazy and totally over committed but we decided we want to give a little something more to the “peoples project and community space” in Hrasnica. So in-between all our endless work and our amazing artist Ale Senso working even more hours to finish her massive beautiful mural in just four days. We jumped in the car and drove back to Sarajevo and spent around 24 hours there. One volunteers helped with painting and sorting aid. Another worked on the strategy document for the space. Another worked on documents to improve the lives of residents in children’s homes in Bosnia Herzegovina and Ale painted. What an amazing committed team and there is a lot more to come. And yes, there is a spelling mistake. But give us a break, working 15 hours per day and the only mistake is a letter. I think we did okay. Oh and today refugees will be at the space choosing clothes. Thanks again to everyone for all you help.

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BAB collaboration with Mostar Street Art Festival. (13.06.2018)

Mostar – ulični umjetnički festival

English text below.

BAB, osim toga što pruža pomoć osobama bez obzira na boju kože, nacionalnost, etničku, spolnu, vjersku pripadnost ili bilo koju od ideja koje stvaraju podjele među ljudima ili predrasude, takođe pomaže umjetnost u svim njenim prekrasnim formama.

Naša nevjerovatna umjetnica Ale Senso stvara magiju. Neka fotografije govore za sebe.

Mostar street Art festival.

BAB as well as supporting people in need regardless of their skin colour, nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion or any of those ideas that create devision and prejudice also supports art in all its beautiful forms.
Our amazing artist Ale Senso is creating magic. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

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