It has been an eventful time since our last update, we are sorry again for our lack of regular updates, but due to the emergency situation, the majority of our time has been spent working directly in the field with refugees and immigrants.
We continue to increase our working capacity in cooperation with other
groups which include; Aid Brigade, Basis, Cadus, Catch A Smile,
Collective Aid, House of All, IOM and individual independent volunteers
from Bosnia Herzegovina and other countries
Our work is still supporting shelter building, supply deliveries to shelters/squats, street food distribution and support to the local official refugee and immigrant camp near Sarajevo.
Our support is expanding and we will keep you informed about this. For now please follow the links below to see some of the work we have been doing.
Wood distribution to shelters/squats
Building a shelter in cooperation with other groups.
People’s Project and Community Space
We have also resumed support for the peoples place and community space in Hrasnica.
click here to see how we have been helping them since we’ve been back.
Moramo se izvinuti što nam je trebalo ovoliko vremena da napišemo novosti. Otkako je naš Tim za hitne intervencije stigao u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, odmah smo počeli raditi i ne prestajemo. Radimo u partnerstvu sa drugim malim grupama, malim NVO i nezavisnim volonterima kako bismo obezbijedili podršku migrantima i izbjeglicama. Takođe počinjemo pružati pomoć starijim Bosancima i Hercegovcima. Naš rad je dosad uključivao pomaganje drugim grupama u podjeli hrane na hladnim, snijegom pokrivenim ulicama, čišćenje i izgradnja skloništa, cijepanje drva da se skloništa ugriju, dostava paketa hrane, pružanje aktivnosti u zvaničnom izbjegličkom kampu, pomaganje u dostavi pomoći. Radimo zajedno sa divnim ljudima Bosne i Hercegovine i iz cijelog svijeta, koji zajedno rade kako bi pomogli drugima. Ovi volonteri i naš BAB tim nas stalno iznova zapanjuju svojim nepresušnim entuzijazmom, saosjećanjem, empatijom i teškim radom.Kako kažu, slika govori hiljadu riječi.
We must apologize for a taking some time to write an update. Since our Emergency Response Team arrived in Bosnia Herzegovina we started working immediately and have not stopped. We are working in partnership with other small groups, small NGO’s and independent volunteers to provide support for refugees and immigrants. Also we are now starting to provide support for elderly Bosnian Herzegovinians. Our work so far includes helping other groups feed people on the cold snow covered streets, cleaning and building shelters, chopping wood for warmth for the shelters, delivering food packs, providing activities in an official camp, helping deliver aid. We are working with other people from Bosnia Herzegovina and around the world who are working together to help other people. We are constantly amazed by these volunteers and our BAB team at their never ending commitment, compassion, empathy and hard work. As they say a picture can tell a thousand words.
Helping feed refugees and immigrants in the cold and snow.
BAB volunteers chopping firewood for shelters.Building shelters.
sedmice mnogo sastanaka i priprema za ostatak našeg tima, koji stižu
sutra. Bićemo uključeni u niz različitih vrsta aktivnosti, ili kao jedan
tim ili podijeljeni u dva. Ako bude tako, svaki tim će imati volontera
obučenog za hitnu prvu pomoć i osnovni pribor. Nadamo se da nam taj
trening neće zatrebati, kao ni pribor.Takođe
smo nabavljali zalihe za aktivnosti u kampu nedaleko od Sarajeva. Ovo
je kamp za oko 800 ljudi, uključujući porodice i same muškarce. Ili ćemo
im pomagati ili donirati materijale da sami koriste.
This week is lots of meetings and preparations for the rest of our team arriving tomorrow. We are going to be involved in a lot of different types of work. Either we work as one team or split into two. If so, each team has crises emergency first aid trained volunteers and basic kits. We hope never to have to use this training or equipment.
have also been buying supplies for activities at the refugee camp near
Sarajevo. This is a camp for around 800 people, including single men and
families mixed together. The amazing AidBrigade are already providing
support and activities at the camp. We will either be supporting them or
donating these materials for them to use.
Na fotografijama se vide materijali koje smo kupili za aktivnosti za djecu i mlade.
You can see in this picture the supplies and materials we bought for children and young people focused activities.
Na ovoj fotografiji su materijali koje smo nabavili za časove jezika koje radi AidBrigade.
In this picture you can see some materials we bought for the language classes AidBrigade are providing.
Na ovoj fotografiji su neke od igrica koje mogu koristiti djeca ili odrasli u kampu.
In this picture you see some games we bought that can be used by adults and children at the camp.
ovi materijali su koštali oko €250, što je, kad se podijeli na 800
ljudi, svega €3.20 po osobi. Mi ne podržavamo ideju dovođenja i
smještanja ljudi u kampove, ali još manje podržavamo ideju ignorisanja
ovih ljudi jer su u zvaničnom kampu.Hvala svima koji su donirali do sad i sad možete vidjeti kako vaša solidarnost zaista pravi razliku.
All in all these materials cost around €250 which if you divide it between 800 people it is around €3.20 per person. We do not support the idea of people being in camps, but we even less support ignoring these people because they are in official camps. Thankyou to everyone who has donated so far and now you can start to see how your solidarity makes a difference.
Naša prva dva volontera su stigla u Sarajevo nakon duge vožnje iz Berlina. Nalazimo se sa starim prijateljima i nevjerovatnim volonterima da vidimo kako najbolje pomoći njima i njihovim programima pomoći izbjeglicama i imigrantima ovdje. Ogromno poštovanje za AidBrigade, Aid collective, BASIS, Cadus i druge grupe za njihov nevjerovatan rad. Takođe smo sortirali pomoć koju smo prikupili i ona je spremna da se preda BASIS-u za njihovu podjelu na ulicama.
Our first two volunteers have arrived in Sarajevo after a long drive from Berlin. We are catching up with old friends and amazing volunteers to find out how we can help their amazing support of the refugees and immigrants here. We have massive respect for AidBrigade, Aid collective, BASIS, Cadus and other groups for the amazing work they are all doing. We also sorted the aid we collected ready to be given to BASIS for their street distribution.
Posebno se želimo zahvaliti Fläming kuhinji na velikodušnoj donaciji. Želimo zahvaliti svima koji su donirali, bilo novac, deke, vreće za spavanje ili toplu odjeću. Sve ove donacije će uskoro biti iskorištene da se pomogne izbjeglicama i migrantima u BiH, jer se hladna zima brzo primiče. Hvala i nastavite nam pomagati da pomažemo drugima.
We would like to say a special thankyou to Fläming kitchen for their generous donation. We would like to thank everyone who has donated whether financial, blankets, sleeping bags and warm clothing. All these donations will be soon used to help the refugees and immigrants in BiH, as the cold winter is fast approaching. Thanks and please keep helping us to help others.
Za samo nekoliko dana prvi BAB volonteri će početi stizati ponovo u BiH, da pomažu sa izbjegličkom i migrantskom krizom. Neki od volontera su upravo završili sa medicinskom obukom za krizne i hitne situacije u Berlinu, i to je bila najbolja medicinska obuka kojoj sam ikad prisustvovao. Daleko naprednija nego bilo koja koju nudi Crveni križ/krst. Želimo zahvaliti Hilmar-u za ovu obuku, kao i centru mladih E-Lok, koji su nam ustupili svoju zgradu besplatno.
Već smo u početnim pregovorima da se ova obuka razvije i pruži svim volonterima. Posebno zato što nijedna velika NVO ili medicinska NVO pruža ovu vrstu treninga nezavisnim volonterima/kama ili malim grupama.
Ovo možda postane još jedno “prvo” iz BAB-a, upravo kao ERT (emergency response team). Još uvijek radimo na većoj podršci djeci u riziku u BiH.
Želimo zahvaliti prijateljima u Mostaru, SArajevu i Banjaluci, koji počinju prikupljati pomoć lokalno, kako bi pomogli izbjeglicama i migrantima. Radujemo se stvaranju povezanih mreža i održivih struktura sa ovim ljudima i grupama iz BiH.
Želimo zahvaliti i drugima koji pomažu. Tako vas je mnogo: ponekad djeluje silno, ali nam daje mož da vidimo kako mnogo pomoći i solidarnosti dolazi iz cijelog svijeta. Volimo vas i molimo: nastavite nas pomagati.
Večeras idemo sresti još jendu grupu koja će nam donirati sredstva, koja će nam omogućiti da gradimo skloništa i pripremimo prazne zgrade za zimu, kako bi se ljudi prestali smrzavati na ulicama i u parkovima širom Bosne i Hercegovine.
Hvala svima koji podržavaju naš rad od 2011, ali posebno posljednju godinu, kad se svašta promijenilo za BAB, a naša podrška, broj naših pomagača/ica i volontera/ki se znatno povećao. ne možemo raditi ovo bez vas.
BAB koordinator
In just a few days our first BAB volunteers will start arriving again in BiH to start helping with refugee crisis there. Some of our volunteers just compleated our crisis emergency medical training in Berlin, which was the best medical training I have ever taken part in. Much more advanced than anything the Red Cross offers. We would like to say thankyou to Hilmar for this training and also thanks to E-Lok youth center who gave us their building to use free of charge.
We are already in early discussions if this kind of training could be developed and offered for other volunteers. Especially as non of the big NGO’s or medical NGOs offer this kind of training for independent volunteers or small groups.
This could be yet another first from BAB just as the ERT (emergency response team) is. We are also still developing more assistance for Bosnian Herzegovinian children at risk.
We would like to thank our friends in Mostar, Sarajevo and Banja Luka who are starting to collect aid locally to help the refugees and immigrants. We are looking forward to developing networks and sustainable working structures with these people and groups from BiH.
We also want ot thank all of you who are supporting. There are so many of you: It is sometimes overwhelming but also gives us power to see so much support and solidarity coming from around the world. We love you and please keep helping.
Tonight we go to meet another group who will give us a financial donation that will actually enable us to be able to build shelters and winterize empty buildings, to stop people freezing in the streets and parks around BiH.
Thankyou to everyone who has been supporting our work since 2011, but especially the last year when something changed for BAB as the numbers of our supporters, volunteers and helpers greatly increased. We cannot do this work without you.
da mnoge ovogodišnje učesnice razmjene žena kroz umjetnost i aktivizam sad pomažu naš rad sa iz
bjeglicama i imigrantima ove zime, u različitim ulogama. Grupa iz Njemačke je odlučila donirati novac kao pomoć BAB-u, kao i donaciju za pomoć Mostraskom uličnom umjetničkom
festivalu. Mreže koje smo stvorili počinju stvarati.
Veliko hvala
We are very happy to announce that many participants from the exchange we created together with others this year for women interested in art and activism, are now supporting our work helping refugees and immigrants this winter in many different capacities. The group from Germany have decided to give a donation to help BABs work and also to give a donation to support the Mostar street art festival. The networks we have been creating are starting to create.
BABmobil. Imamo dobre vijesti. Naše prvo BAB vozilo je skoor spremno. Ovo vozilo vozimo u Bosni u Hercegovinu, kao pomoć u podjeli hrane. Troškovi od oko €1500 uključujući osiguranje i manje popravke su pokriveni od strane samih BAB volontera
We have some good news. Our first BAB vehicle is almost ready. We will be taking this vehicle to Bosnia Herzegovina to assist with aid distribution. The cost of around €1500 including tax, insurance, minor repairs is being covered by BAB volunteers themselves.